HOWTO: Understand and Creating Custom BulletProof FTP Client Session-Files.

BulletProof FTP Client saves current sessions, including the Action Queue to a Session-File. This session-file can then be loaded at run-time via the command-line or the number user-interface.

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 Requirements
1.3 Background
2.0 Session File
2.1 Session File Structure

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Overview

BulletProof FTP Client saves current sessions, including the Action Queue to a Session-File. This session-file can then be loaded at run-time via the command-line or the number user-interface.

1.2 Requirements

To configure BulletProof FTP Client correctly you must have the following information and access:

1.3 Background

BulletProof FTP Client is a highly automated FTP Client, capable of working on an Action-Queue for days and days over the most fickle of internet connections. To accomplish this, BulletProof FTP Client stores all the requested downloads, uploads, etc (Queued-Actions) in a Session-File. This session-file is then used during the program's execution and maintained during it's entire run-time. Understanding this file, is the key to automating BulletProof FTP Client, outside of normal User-Interaction and for automatting it's execution from other programs, scripts, etc.

2.0 Session-File Overview

  • Session-File must contain the first 7 Lines as defined.
  • After the first 7 lines have been defined, the Action-Queue follows with 6-Lines each; no empty lines.
  • If you're stuck, use BulletProof FTP Client and save a Session-File with a sample action queue. Then investigate the Session-File using your favorite text-editor.

2.1 Structure

Line # Description Sample Data Description
Line #1 Indentifer "This is a Bullet Proof FTP Session file and should not be modified directly." This line must be entered exactly as it appears, without the quotes.
Line #2 FTP Server Host/IP DNS Hostname or IP-Address for the FTP Server.
Line #3 FTP Server Port 21 Almost always TCP/IP Port 21, unless the server has been "stealthed" and moved to a different port to avoid hacking attempts.
Line #4 Login Name someuser Login name for the FTP-User. Some servers support public logins with the "anonymous" user.
Line #5 Login Password somepassword Password for the FTP-User. This is value is encrypted by BulletProof FTP Client. A plain-text password can be used, but you will need to pad out the first 2 characters with a value other than "BP". For example: if your password was "pepsi", then enter "00pepsi". If using the "anonymous" user, this is often times the email address for the connecting-user.
Line #6 Default Download Directory C:\DOWNLOADS\
Line #7 Remote Directory /home/somedir Once logging into the FTP Server, BulletProof FTP Client will change the current working directory (CWD) to the specified directory. Not needed if only downloading HTTP URLs.
From here on is the actual queue, each entry comprises of 6 lines.
Line #1 Filename or URL somefile.txt For HTTP URLs, use the following format ""
Line #2 Type of Queue Entry 0 or 1 or 3 0==download, 1==upload, 3==delete
Line #3 File or Directory 0 or 2 0==Directory, 2==File
Line #4 File Size 232561 Size of File in Bytes. If unknown or n/a, use 0.
Line #5 File Date 31-12-2006 Date of File in the format DD-MM-YYYY. If unknown or n/a, use "?".
Line #6 Download Directory C:\DOWNLOADS Directory where the file will be download. If the directory does not exist, BulletProof FTP Client will create it.

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